204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca

When in business there are many do’s and don’t’s.

The do’s are quite simple for a small business such as ourselves.

1) Treat everyone in the store as a welcomed guest. We want everyone who comes here to look forward to each visit.

2) Be patient, thorough and careful. When someone has a question or concern, we always try and give the most helpful information possible. Sometimes this means talking ourselves out of selling a product when it isn’t exactly the right fit for the situation.

3) Take care with restocking and product rotation. Keeping fresh stock is key to insuring a successful product of the highest quality.

The don’t’s:

1) Avoid the taboo topics of politics and religion. Not just with our customers, but at all in the store. No need to say why!

2) Never take customers for granted. Hobby winemakers are not here to keep us in business, instead we’re here to keep hobby winemakers stocked up with all the products they need to keep impressing their friends and family time and again.
