204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca

Shopping around on the internet is a great tool available to the modern consumer. In just a few minutes, one can find almost any product available from many different suppliers – capitalism at its best!

We pride ourselves on having the lowest prices on the products we carry, and because of this we are confident in having the price of every product available on our website. Many other wine kits suppliers won’t list their price on the internet, because they don’t want you to shop around.

However, one can still find a good sampling of prices from various locations in Canada. For instance, we found a website for a company in ON (no names, we are playing nice!) where they were confident enough to list some of their prices:

Vinterra Amarone 119.80
KenRidge Founders Shiraz 143.60
Cheeky Monkey 82.90
Niagara Mist 66.60

If you check out our prices listed right here on our website, you can see the difference quite quickly:

Vinterra Amarone 92.95
KenRidge Founders Shiraz 114.95
Cheeky Monkey 68.95
Niagara Mist 49.95

As you can see, there is quite a difference! We are committed to bringing the highest quality wine kits to you for the lowest price possible. Shopping around quickly confirms this, which is why we encourage it!

Another website was found for a company in SK, our neighbors to the west.

Their prices:
KenRidge Classic Viognier 72.98
Legacy Pinot Noir 109.98

Our prices:
KenRidge Classic Viognier 61.95
Legacy Pinot Noir 87.95

The difference is quite obvious. We don’t even need to cherry pick to find these – they were simply the first results on google. I’m sure there are more examples out there, but I hope the point is made.

Oh, and if our regular price being substantially lower than other store was insufficient, we also have an advertisement matching policy. Sometimes our competitors put products we carry at a "sale" price. Sometimes a "sale" price will be lower than our regular price (although surprisingly infrequently). If you can find an advertised price from a store in Winnipeg which has a lower price on any item we carry, we will beat it.