204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca

That’s right, we took the plung, dove in, threw down, and are all-in.

Well, that might be a little sensationalistic.

But! We are very excited about some news we’d like to share.

Often I’ll be talking with a customer, and fellow hobby winemaker, and we’ll share a distaste for santizing our wine bottles. This is probably one of the biggest barriers to the continual production of our favourite beverages. No one likes to sit at a sink and wash out the bottles, especially if you’re not the type to methodically rinse every bottle after you’ve enjoyed the contents. You know what I’m talking about, that residue at the bottom of the bottles.

Well we have the solution. We have just acquired a brand new automated "Combined Washer". This magnificent machine is a powerful cleaning tool. It has 3 cycles washing, sterilizing and rinsing. In as little as 7-8 minutes, it can wash up to 30 bottles (or 4 carboys!) which is enough for a 23L batch. Operating at a grease-annihilating 92 degrees celcius, this machine will leave bottles with that prestine clean our wines demand.

Thusly, we are offering this new service. Bring in up to 30 bottles, and we’ll put them in the "Combined Washer" and clean them on the spot. That’s right, your bottle cleaning days are over. For just a $5 service charge, we got that covered for you.

Note that the turn around time varies – we are sometimes busy at the front and unable to start a wash immediately! You’re free to leave the bottles and come back shortly though.

This will be available starting February 1st.