204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca

We’ve talked about this before – price beating. Yes "sales". They are everywhere, sometimes what appears to be a good deal can leave you wanting..

We have over 190 different wine kits in our store. These come in 6 different sizes from 7.5L to 23L. We know that about 45 weeks out of the 52 a year nobody touches our prices. Then comes a "sale" at another store.

They send out a flyer saying that, for example, KenRidge Classic starts at about $5 less than our regular price – which is incidently listed as a $10 savings since they normally charge $5 more. Note, however, that they are saying starts at. This means that some varietals or only even one is available at that price, and the rest are above. So maybe you can get one or two varietals at this price, but probably the one you’re looking for is still more expensive.

So now you got tricked into coming into their store for a discount, but you can’t take the one you want. So now that you’re in their store, you have an added cost to your purchase or you can’t get the one you want. Even if you choose to go somewhere else, you’re still adding to the cost of the purchase in the form of travel and gas money. Its not an accident – its design.

Of course, our regulars all know this. They look forward to getting our competitors flyers – but only because they know they can bring it here, and we’ll beat the "sale" price. This effectively means that anytime you see a flyer from a competitor about a product we carry, we’re having that sale too. But not just having that sale, but at a dollar less.

We’ve even had a "retail expert" try to convince us that we’re hurting ourselves by doing this. Get this – he suggested that instead of offering the lowest price, we should raise our price and then have a discount equal to the increase. Why would one do something this insipid? Simple – then we can call it a "SALE"! He likes sales, and even if the sale price is higher this individual said he was more likely to purchase that.

Think about that for a second. This "expert" is saying that the price is less relevant to our customers than whether or not we can affix the word "SALE" to it.

We think more of you than that.

For more details, see our Best Price Guarantee!