204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca

Our customers are very informative. They are smart shoppers and keep us honest by shopping around. Of course, when they make their way back here, they often spill the beans on what they found.

For example, Mountmellick beer kits are now on sale elsewhere in Winnipeg for $5 off the regular price. Seems like a good deal, until you hear the regular price is $27.95 – making the sale price $22.95. We have this great product year round at $18.95.

Another example – Buon Vino Filter pads. On sale for $12.99 for a pack of 6.  Extrapolated out to a package of 24, it would be $51.95. We sell the 25 package for $16.95 all year.

And another example – Activated carbon Super sale! 500g for $15.00. Our regular price $11.95.

It goes on and on.

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Fresh Fruit Season

At this time of the year, nature offers many wine making fruits. As we progress into fall, even more will be ripe for winemaking: apples, chokecherries, rhubarb, raspberries, pembinas (bush cranberries) all make fine wines. All little more elbow grease required, but at bare minimum of costs.
Of course, we carry all the ingredients you need to convert these wonderful fruits into wine – also at a minimum of cost.