204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca

Not true! Has it occured to you that when wine collectors pay $1000s for a bottle of Napoleon XYZ they do not open it? Most likely its because the wine is too old and undrinkable. The price paid is really an ego thing and the rest is show. Wine is a perishable. Some aging will round it out, make it more pleasant to the taste buds and nose. Wine that is too old is actually vinegar. Those Greek ships with clay wine urns raised from the bottom of the mediterranean sea were undrinkable, and for good reason.

After all, aging wine produces many chemical reactions. Wine is made up of dozens of compounds (see our blog on compounds and chemicals). The processes of wine making are three fold. The making (fermentation etc), the maturing (aging) and decline.

The reason for the phased changes are relatively simple. As stated previously, wine contain dozens of chemicals which constantly interact with each other at every phase. So the reactions between say tanin, water, acids and alcohol at first will proceed to stage two. Now you have different compounds interacting with different compounds. All these reactions continue on and on. So the moral is: find out the peak of yoru wine – too young is called "green". Too old, eventually vinegar.