204-237-3333 info@moonshiners.ca


New Wines on the frontier

We are/will be bringing in new award winning vairieties of wine kits from the wine maker Fontana. Expect to see new blends, new fruit wines, and even Sangrias alongside all your classic favorites. Fontana has been producing wines for 30+ years and have won...

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It may not be summer just yet, but that's ok! That means you still have time to get your summer wines started! We have a few new arrivals at the shop including some limitted edition Niagra Mist wines, a new Rose by Atmosphere, and some new Beers and Ciders! And...

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Sales, Specials, Discounts

Sales, Specials, Disconts! Not Just in the business we are in, but everywhere one finds these words overused and abused. We have perused the internet (and some of our customers do as well and peek elsewhere). They provide us with information. Take a look at this table...

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What’s that in my wine!?

Have you ever gone to get a bottle from your wine rack only to notice a sediment deposit? Don't fear! This is perfectly normal, and completely harmless. Here is what you're actually seeing... Potassium Bitartrate Crystals (AKA Wine Diamonds): These little...

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